
A Shiny App to download the meteorological time series from the Open Data - Province of Bozen

Giulio Genova



MeteoBrowser UI

After my master degree I started working as a researcher for eurac research. I was working on estimating water needs in apple orchards and I needed meteo data. The province of Bozen provided an API to access the data but no User Interface. So I decided to create one myself… that is how the MeteoBrowser came to life.

Meteo Browser South Tyrol is a user-friendly web-based application that helps to visualize and download the hydro-meteorological time series freely available in South Tyrol, Italy. It is designed for a wide range of users, from common citizens to students as well as researchers, private companies and the public administration. Meteo Browser South Tyrol is a Shiny App inside an R package and can be used on a local machine or accessed on-line. Drop down menus allow the user to select hydro-meteorological station and measurements. A simple map shows where the monitoring stations are, the latest measurements available, and lets the user subset the selected stations geographically by drawing a polygon.

The application is hosted by eurac reasearch at the following address

A couple of years later Mattia Rossi and I, won the eurac open research award. Here’s an interview on the topic (in italian but translators work well on it) Mattia is the collegue that built the backend of the application

This paper contains short description of the software capabilities and usage:

Meteo Browser South Tyrol: A Shiny App to download the meteorological time series from the Open Data Catalogue of the Province of Bolzano/Bozen - Italy